Ekso Bionics于2014年在美国纳斯达克OTC上市,目前市值94.7百万美元。 2016-03-31 股票 找买卖点时 立即查看个股买卖点 英为财情Investing.com_全球金融行情资讯专家|外汇,股票,期货,债 … 英为财情,全球第四大财经网站Investing.com的中文品牌。提供全球股票,外汇,期货,债券,基金和数字货币等数十万种金融投资产品的实时行情和新闻资讯,以及多种投资工具。 一秒变身钢铁侠,外骨骼机器人还要走多远? - 互联网金融 - 网贷 …
长江证券-信息技术行业深度报告人工智能系列之二:产业链初具雏 … [Table_MainInfo] ?研究报告? 2016-4-21 行业研究(深度报告) 评级 信息技术行业 看好 维持 人工智能系列之二:产业链初具雏形,颠 覆革命行路致远 回顾:在系列(一)中,我们详细分析了当前互联网发展遭遇的瓶颈,并多维度论述了 人工智能当前正处于技术、市场及政策三大拐点交织的重要时刻。 2010年10月创投行业简报 - szvc.com.cn 2017年3月创投行业简报. 作者:发展研究中心. 时间: 2017-4-6. 深圳市创新投资集团有限公司. 创业投资发展研究中心
Ekso Bionics® is a leading developer of exoskeleton solutions that amplify human potential for medical and industrial uses. The company offers the most cutting-edge, innovative wearable robots available on the market. Ekso Bionics. For over 15 years, we have been committed to commercializing wearable exoskeletons and robotic-assist devices to enhance human mobility, strength, and endurance in a variety of applications, such as medical and industrial markets. Company Overview. Ekso Bionics® is a pioneer in the field of robotics. For over a decade we have been committed to developing the latest technology and engineering to commercialize wearable exoskeletons and robotic-assist devices in a variety of applications such as medical and industrial markets.
Ekso Bionics® is a leading developer of exoskeleton solutions that amplify human potential for medical and industrial uses. The company offers the most cutting-edge, innovative wearable robots available on the market. Ekso Bionics. For over 15 years, we have been committed to commercializing wearable exoskeletons and robotic-assist devices to enhance human mobility, strength, and endurance in a variety of applications, such as medical and industrial markets. Company Overview. Ekso Bionics® is a pioneer in the field of robotics. For over a decade we have been committed to developing the latest technology and engineering to commercialize wearable exoskeletons and robotic-assist devices in a variety of applications such as medical and industrial markets. Bill Shaw于2019年5月加入Ekso Bionics担任首席商务官。他为Ekso带来了超过15年的医疗设备销售和领导经验。 最近,Shaw先生在Zimmer Biomet担任机器人全球副总裁。 他的多元化职业道路始于体育广播,包括创业空间和多家财富500强企业。 Ekso Bionics® ist ein führender Entwickler von Exoskelettlösungen, die das Potenzial des Menschen für medizinische und industrielle Zwecke steigern. Das Unternehmen bietet die innovativsten tragbaren Roboter auf dem Markt. EksoVest is a wearable exoskeleton suit that provides lift assistance for overhead work to reduce workplace injuries in automotive and aerospace manufacturing. It is lightweight and low profile, making it comfortable to wear in all conditions while enabling full range of motion.
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